
About Kay
I am a well-being and high performance coach, an artist, and a good listener.
I am also an author, a podcaster, a speaker and an adventurer.
I’ve learned that a gentle, curious, and playful approach is a great way to resolve challenges and inspire positive change.
I used to need a wheelchair – and then joyfully solo-hiked across the north of England.
I used to ask permission to speak – and now I hold space for others to speak.
I used to feel unworthy of creating art – now I understand that the joyful creation and sharing of art is a gift that comes through me. What an honor!
I have learned to trust myself in all things – and now I support others through their transformation.
I am glad our paths have crossed!
Glad to be in this beautiful world with you.
Newsletter: kaylockkolp.substack.com
LinkedIn: Kay Lock Kolp
Contact: kaylockkolp.com/contact

Me at one year old.

I’m about 25 here, at the summit of Mount Washington and so exhilarated to have reached the top of one of the highest mountains on the eastern seaboard.
PS Nice boxer shorts.
I am grateful for…
Nature; flowers; mountains; fields; snow and sun and rain and grass and trees and wind and water.
My hands and what they create, through drawing, painting, cooking, and expression.
(Yes, I talk with my hands.. see below : )
Fun, silliness, and irreverence.
All that is done for me; all that I can do, too.
The spark of human creativity that I find in myself, and in others.

What are you grateful for, what are you about?
What lights you up?
What challenges do you face, as you strive to do what lights you up?
Thank you for reading <3